Machine translation team

This team’s task is to conduct research on modern methods used in automatic translation. Research results are presented in international scientific publications. The algorithms developed are entered in the annual competitions run by the Conference on Machine Translation (WMT). Automated translation systems based on these algorithms are implemented in commercial solutions (for example, by the company PWN AI).

Team research focuses on following topics:

  • Document-level translation
  • Domain fine-tuning
  • On-the-fly domain adaptation
  • Use of glossaries in NMT
  • Quality-aware translation

Our collaboration

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Team leader


Artur Nowakowski

Doctoral student at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science in the field of automatic translation, author of scientific publications that have been presented at international conferences including WMT, MT Summit and KDD. Awarded the AMU Medal in recognition of outstanding scientific achievements

Team members


Mikołaj Pokrywka


Kamil Guttmann


Director of the Artificial Intelligence Center. Author of a doctoral dissertation on machine translation titled “Electronic Bilingual System in Automatic Text Translation” (1997), which initiated the development of machine translation in Poland.